For the last few years friends of ours have been asking us if we are ever going to throw a party where we play our music; the music our friends love so much. In the last few months these requests have become more intense. So, we went looking for Adelaide’s best venue that suits the music and the image we represent. Our response? A party we call SG (Soul Generation).

On Saturday Night 30 October 2004 SG will fulfil our friends’ needs, who love to have a good time in a great environment listening to only the best music. We want to move House Music to the next level in Adelaide. This night promises not only to be a night filled with quality music, but a great night out to be shared with like minded people in the funkiest and classiest of settings.


SG will be held on Saturday Night 30 October 2004.


SG will be held at a secret location, the details of which will be released on Friday 29 October 2004, here at The location has been especially selected as it suits the music and the kind of image that house music (and we) should portray: sexy, funky, classy and underground. The venue is one of Adelaide’s most exquisite locations and creates a feel that is missing from many venues around Adelaide. It is an intimate venue with the funkiest of décor. It has a reasonable size dance floor and a decent sized area to sit back and enjoy socialising with friends. Although there is a bar, there will also be a personal drink service by staff that will take your order (we have specifically requested this). The venue is located in the city and is not used as a club. We love this venue. You will too.


Entry is by Invitation only. We have done this to be conscious of the type of people who come to the party. It is as much your night as it is ours. So we have a responsibility to ensure that the people who come to the party are there to enjoy the music and each others company. We are trying to contact our friends in order to arrange invites. However, it is difficult to get in contact and remember absolutely everyone. If you would like to come, by all means simply get in contact with us before the event. If you have any further questions email Bill at

You will need an invite to get in, and invites will not be available or be given out at the last minute.


Crispian Harris, Ben James, Mobin Master and Bill Fragos will be performing. The highest quality audio equipment will be used.

The Concept

SG is something that our friends have been waiting a long time for. For several years people have approached us about when we are going throw a “party�. The requests are all based on consistent reasons. On a positive note, friends have indicated that the really enjoy and appreciate the music we play and have a respect for us. Our friends enjoy coming to the places where we play and dancing and socialising to the music, and enjoy the cds we make for them. We often hear that we should throw a party where the people invited are “our friends� who really enjoy the music and each other’s company.

The other side to the requests for us to have a party stems from a general dissatisfaction for the type of music being played by others and general disappointment for clubs and bars around Adelaide. Our friends have come to expect a higher standard of music from other DJs and venues and are sometimes disappointed with what they see and hear elsewhere. Our friends have also expressed disappointment with lack of effort and investment put into clubs and bars generally around Adelaide, especially when compared to what they have seen in Europe and the East Coast (Sydney-Melbourne-Brisbane). There is some dissatisfaction with aspects of clubs and bars in Adelaide: certain type of crowd that doesn’t show respect for each other and are not at the venue for the right reasons, that the venue isn’t clean, or set up isn’t right, and people who don’t put in any effort. These are things that end up influencing whether one ends up having a good night or not.

We also see it from the point of view that house music and the culture associated with it in Adelaide has been restricted to certain clubs and bars. Although the role of clubs and bars is important in giving an outlet for people to have fun, socialise, express themselves and for music to be performed, it is our view that it can only go so far in assisting the development of a "house scene". Respect goes out to people like the Dirty House Crew, who put on shows and parties up until a few years ago that developed a great reputation. Unfortunately, the house music scene has been languishing as a result of the lack of house parties being thrown in the last few years in Adelaide. By being restricted to clubs and the politics and economics associated with clubs, house music has not reached its potential as the clubs aren’t always addressing what people want. If we look at the efforts of others in promoting drum ‘n’ bass and rave/harder styles, we can see that these have developed a following and created a scene purely through the parties they have thrown over the years. We are not here to copy or follow what they are doing, as the people who enjoy our house music are different and likewise have different desires and motivations. We have been listenting to people and what they want. It is now time for us to step up and offer our friends and lovers of house music something to look forward to that is suited to their needs, that they can enjoy and share with others. Clubs and bars play a vital role in assisting in the development of a "scene", however, we want to offer an alternative to complement what is already available but that fulfils what our friends have been asking for.

We have thought about this concept so you wont have to. All that our friends want is a really great night out. SG: Soul Generation.


This party, it's concept, the design and these words are brought to you courtesy of Bill Fragos and Crispian Harris, consolidating the endless conversations and experiences shared with many special and influential people and places.