On Saturday 30 October 2004 Adelaide will play host to the first in what is hoped to be a continuing series of house music nights, parties and events. We want to offer something different, an alternative, to what people have become used to in Adelaide. Our friends have asked if not begged us to throw a party so they can have a great night out surrounded by cool and like minded people, in a very funky environment and experiencing only the best in sexy house music.

The time has arrived. SG: Soul Generation will be held in an inner city venue on Saturday Night. After many days and nights of waiting we can finally reveal more details about SG: Soul Generation.

Invitations - Important Notice
We ask you to bring your invitation. You will need this to gain entry as it is a private function. We have put much effort of inviting people who are friends, who enjoy the music we play and who understand what we seek to generate. If you don't have your invite with you we will be asking you to get your invite in order to come in. Please remember to bring it.

For details as to the location you will need to call the person you got your invitation from in order to find out where the exact location is. They will know by now as to where SG is going to be held. They will be able to text you about SG. Don't despair! Below are two photos of where SG is to be held. SG will be held over two areas; the cellar/downstairs room and the outside/rear courtyard. Both areas will have DJs.

As you walk in you should notice a very funky room and to your left there will be a bar (you can order drinks at this bar). In front of you will notice a set of stairs.

Should you wish to go to the cellar, proceed downstairs. Along with the funkiest of couches and decor, there will be a DJ console set up there, with the DJs playing house music in true SoulGood style. This is the main room for the party. There will be personal service and a small bar set up in the cellar area. This is a photo of the cellar/downstairs room...

If you would like to hear the best in grooves and garage and enjoy some fresh air, you may wish to go to the rear/outside courtyard. Just proceed past the stairs through the small back room to the outside/rear courtyard, where you will see a DJ console set up there. There is also a bar outside. This is a photo of the rear courtyard...

We don't need to suggest what you should wear. You probably already know.

SG is scheduled for a 9:30pm-10:00pm start. We are expecting to reach capacity for the venue, and as such, are letting people know that they might want to come early.

The forecast for Saturday 30 October 2004 is 28C, with a low of 13C (as at Friday 29 October 2004).

Extra Information
If you would like to see the previous post/information about SG: Soul Generation, please click here.

Thank you for your interest. We hope you have a great night and please don't hesitate to introduce yourself.
Crispian Harris, Ben James, Mobin Master and Bill Fragos.