The most recent poll asked "What is the most important factor influencing you going to a particular venue/event?". It was asked as many have pondered this question, particularly promoters, owners and DJs. Having an idea about what motivates people to go out helps others to understand what things are important to assist in creating an environment for people to have a good time.

Click below to see some thoughts about the results....

Of the 168 votes received to date, the votes seem to be split between two main categories. The "whether I have anything to wear" category scored 38% of the votes (64 votes). The "music" and "dj" category scored 47% of the votes (80 votes). The other categories aren't really worth mentioning as they scored less than 2% of the votes, except for perhaps "the crowd" category (7%, 13 votes) which shows that some people have concerns about the "type" of people going to the relevant venue/event, not including their own company.

What does it all mean? Well, it is clear that many people who visit this website are passionate about their music (and DJs) and that it forms a major part of whether they are able to have a good time when going to a venue or event. It is possible to conclude that they don't have such a good time if the music is substandard or there is a muppet behind the console. The question was directed not only to clubs and events but also bars, lounges, pubs and cafes etc.

It is also clear that many who visit this website (who are generally supporters of house music) also put effort into the way in which they present themselves. This could be for a variety of reasons. From a sociological perspective, it may that these voters have more disposal income and/or they can afford to be selective on appearance (they have more money to spend generally). Further, it may be that these voters come from a socio-economic-cultural background where more emphasis is placed on presentation and appearance being reflective of not only personality, but "status/class/style" and respectability, and that one should look their best when they go out. Finally, it may be as simple as "I look good so I feel good".

The alternative/negative way one may perceive persons (who voted in this category) who place such emphasis on their appearance is that they are somewhat superficial or materialistic. Interestingly, this is a comment often made by some in the "rave" scene to label people who go to house music type venues/events as "posers".

It would be interesting to hear what others think about the results and the above.