Title: Here 2 Stay
Artist: Boundless 2

First offering off the Azoto label is a great one. Stabby chordal intro similar to Good Looking by DJ Touche and Pepe on Subliminal. Basline is introduced (what a nice one it is) along with other chords, percussion and effects. The track is reminiscent to quality offerings on the Drop Music Label (Inland Knights - Put It Back, Party Criminals etc) but with a more pronounced disco edge (strings etc) and is quite dubby and funky.

Track breaks down into vocal loop which is a reasonable one and quite catchy. Kicks back into main section where delays are used quite well. The arrangement progresses into the main breakdown that works well thanks to the vocal. Kicks back into the final sections of the track nicely. A very infectious groove and great production. This track grows on you, the more times you hear it and the more you get into the track. Very cool.